This Katana is made from 80CRV2 Core Damascus San Mai that I forge myself, The blade is hand polished and then coffee etched for maximum contrast. the handle is made from hardwood with a stingray leather inlay and a cord wrap over the handle. The handle is secured to the tang with Gflex epoxy and brass pins. the habaki and tsuba are blued steel. the Saya can be made from a variety of hardwoods, pictured is a curly koa Saya.
30" blade, 42" overall .275" thick at the habaki with a distal taper down to roughly .180" thick before the tip bevel. weighs roughly 2 pounds 12 ounces. The point of balance is 5" in front of habaki.
All of my work is done in-house, from start to finish it is made by me! Razor sharp and ready for action! The blade is perfect for hiking, hunting, or camping. I ship USPS priority shipping for free!
With proper care this knife is intended to be used for a lifetime, I take great care to ensure my materials and craftsmanship are first-rate.
Check out more of my Handmade knives and works in progress on Instagram @charlesjonesblades